Electric Rhythm In My Veins: Мої Музичні Експерименти

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: А ця за фактом - найбомбезніша! :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Цю теж я скомбінувала в Clipchamp із основного та продовженого трека.

: :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  I simply can't get enough! Просто WOW!!  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

In the night we hide
Shadows where we glide
Whispers in the air
Secrets that we share.

Feel the beat we move
Rhythm in the groove
Eyes that never lie
Reach out touch the sky.

Desire in the dark
Sets our hearts on fire
Dance until we spark
No one's getting tired.

Lights flash to the beat
Sweat drips feel the heat
Unknown but in sync
Closer with each blink.

Our worlds collide
In this neon tide
Mysteries unfold
In this electric hold.

Desire in the dark
Sets our hearts on fire
Dance until we spark
No one's getting tired.

Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Липень 06, 2024, 10:25

Майже 300 проглядів за 7 годин? Ого, пішло непогано! :smiley24:

Як я вже писала, нова дефініція аутоеротики - коли кайфуєш від музики, яку створив сам  :laugh:.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Липень 06, 2024, 17:49Майже 300 проглядів за 7 годин? Ого, пішло непогано! :smiley24:

Як я вже писала, нова дефініція аутоеротики - коли кайфуєш від музики, яку створив сам  :laugh:.

Бомбезна музика в моєму розумінні - це коли ти 4 години впахувала на бекярді, прийшла, прийняла душ і не можеш навіть пальцем поворушити ...

і тут:

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Desire in the dark
Sets our hearts on fire
Dance until we spark
No one's getting tired.

:m0191:  :party:  :m0191:  :party:  :m0191:

F**ing A!!
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Липень 07, 2024, 07:23F**ing A!!

Прокинулись і задаєм тон на увесь день!

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

 :super:  :super:  :super:  :super:  :super:

 :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Байдени, зеленські, вакцинації, інфляція, літаючі таксі - все це, звісно, кул, але електронна музика набагато крутіша!

Нову основну серію наших шедеврів опублікуємо в суботу вранці, а поки - ось це! Мені сподобалось!

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Ой, на горі два дубки,
Ой, на горі два дубки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

Вітер дубом хитає,
Вітер дубом хитає.
Вітер дубом хитає, хитає,
Козак дівку питає.

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

Ой, дівчино, чия ж ти,
Ой, дівчино, чия ти?
Ой, дівчино, чия ти, чия ти,
Чи підеш ти гуляти?

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

Не питайся чия я,
Не питайся чия я.
Не питайся чия я, чия я,
Як ти вийдеш - вийду я.

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

А я в батька один син,
А я в батька один син.
А я в батька один син, один син,
Погуляю хоч би з ким.

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.

А я донька мамчина,
А я донька мамчина.
А я донька мамчина, мамчина,
Цілуватись навчена.

Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Ой, на горі два дубки, два дубки
Та й звелися докупки.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Ну, ви вже здогадались, яка тема цеї серії треків  :laugh:. Вони присвячені космосу і темі stellar explosion - зіркового вибуху.

Для мене взагалі тема космосу і подорожей у космосі особлива, і тут навіть є окрема музична тема про космос.

Зіркові вибухи (наприклад, супернови) - не тільки надзвичайний природний феномен, але і метафізичний, філософський і навіть релігійний концепт.

Зірка, яка закінчує своє життя потужним вибухом, повертає у всесвіт величезну енергію, яка створює нові світи ... Тобто вона продовжує жити у інших вимірах, є такою ж безкінечною і вічною, як і сам всесвіт.

Поїхали! :dance3:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Легенький короткий трек, бо закінчилися слова  :laugh:. :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Starlight fading out of sight
In the void of endless night
Galaxies alive twirl and spin
Darkness where the stars have been.

Cosmic winds and distant cries
Supernova in the skies
Light years travel far and wide
Dreams dissolve, they cannot hide.

Boom! it goes in stellar glam
Echoes through the endless span
Dust and fire give way to life
In the universe's strife.

Nebulae in hues so bright
Born from death in cosmic flight
Planets form from cosmic dust
In the stars we place our trust.

Out there in the great unknown
Mysteries are overthrown
In the shadows
Life will find
New beginnings intertwined.

Boom! it goes in stellar glam
Echoes through the endless span
Dust and fire give way to life
In the universe's strife.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:love:  :heart:  :love:  :heart:  :love:  Теж короткий трек :love:  :heart:  :love:  :heart:  :love:

Starlight fading out of sight
In the void of endless night
Galaxies alive twirl and spin
Darkness where the stars have been.

Cosmic winds and distant cries
Supernova in the skies
Light years travel far and wide
Dreams dissolve, they cannot hide.

Hearts collide like stars above
Falling deep in cosmic love
Waves of light, they pull us near
In this space we have no fear.

Nebulae in hues so bright
Born from death in cosmic flight
Planets form from cosmic dust
In the stars we place our trust.

Out there in the great unknown
Mysteries are overthrown
In the shadows life will find
New beginnings intertwined.

Hearts collide like stars above
Falling deep in cosmic love
Waves of light they pull us near
In this space we have no fear.

Galaxies swirl and they dance
In this boundless grand expanse
Explosion paints the space so bright
In the dark eternal night.

Nebulas of pink and blue
Colors burst in every hue
Hear the echoes of the past
In this stellar show so vast

Hearts collide like stars above
Falling deep in cosmic love
Waves of light they pull us near
In this space we have no fear.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:party: Мені цей трек дуже подобається - можливо, я зроблю з нього довшу версію. :party:

Музика дуже класна!

Starlight fading out of sight
In the void of endless night
Galaxies alive twirl and spin
Darkness, where the stars have been.

Cosmic winds and distant cries
Supernova in the skies
Light years travel far and wide
Dreams dissolve, they cannot hide.

Boom! it goes in stellar glam
Echoes through the endless span
Dust and fire give way to life
In the universe's strife.

Nebulae in hues so bright
Born from death in cosmic flight
Planets form from cosmic dust
In the stars we place our trust.

Out there in the great unknown
Mysteries are overthrown
In the shadows
Life will find
New beginnings intertwined.

Boom! it goes in stellar glam
Echoes through the endless span
Dust and fire give way to life
In the universe's strife.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


1&  1&  1& В цьому дуже класна мелодія, можливо, теж продовжу. 1&  1&  1&

In the depths of the night, a star ignites,
A burst of brilliance, a celestial delight,
A cosmic ballet, in the velvet skies,
Where stardust dances, and galaxies arise.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

Across the cosmos, your echoes resound,
A supernova's tale, in silence profound,
Nebulae whisper of your profound might,
In the vast expanse, in endless night.

From the ashes, new worlds awake,
Where possibilities bend and break,
In the remnants of your fiery wake,
A tapestry of stars, a cosmic ache.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the twilight of eternity, a star begins to fade,
Its brilliance dims, a cosmic serenade,
Gravity's embrace, it can no longer evade,
A supernova blooms, in colors arrayed.

Oh, the grand finale, a celestial ballet,
Explosive energy, in a cosmic display,
In the heart of the galaxy, where dreams sway,
A supernova's glory lights the way.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the silence of space, your story's told,
Of how stars collapse and unfold,
A dance of creation, fearless and bold,
In the universe's embrace, eternal hold.

In the core's collapse, atoms collide,
Elements forge, in the chaos inside,
Radiant waves, across the astral tide,
A supernova's fire, far and wide.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: А тепер один із двох треків, які мені найбільше подобаються в цій серії. :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Суцільна бомбезність і звучить як класичний electronic dance track!

Трек продовжений і об"єднаний в Audacity - я нарешті навчилась зліплювати частини бездоганно!

In the depths of the night, a star ignites,
A burst of brilliance, a celestial delight,
A cosmic ballet, in the velvet skies,
Where stardust dances, and galaxies arise.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

Across the cosmos, your echoes resound,
A supernova's tale, in silence profound,
Nebulae whisper of your profound might,
In the vast expanse, in endless night.

From the ashes, new worlds awake,
Where possibilities bend and break,
In the remnants of your fiery wake,
A tapestry of stars, a cosmic ache.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the twilight of eternity, a star begins to fade,
Its brilliance dims, a cosmic serenade,
Gravity's embrace, it can no longer evade,
A supernova blooms, in colors arrayed.

Oh, the grand finale, a celestial ballet,
Explosive energy, in a cosmic display,
In the heart of the galaxy, where dreams sway,
A supernova's glory  lights the way.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the silence of space, your story's told,
Of how stars collapse and unfold,
A dance of creation, fearless and bold,
In the universe's embrace, eternal hold.

In the core's collapse, atoms collide,
Elements forge, in the chaos inside,
Radiant waves, across the astral tide,
A supernova's fire, far and wide.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the cosmic tapestry, your light will fade,
But in our hearts, your essence laid,
A supernova's legacy, forever displayed,
In its embrace new worlds are made.

From  your dust new stars will rise,
In the cosmic dance which time defies,
Supernova's echo across the skies,
A testament to life's eternal ties.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the cosmic tapestry, your light will fade,
But in our hearts, your essence laid,
A supernova's legacy, forever displayed,
In its embrace new worlds are made.

From  your dust new stars will rise ...
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:super:  :super:  :super: А цей - топ для мене в цій серії! Він має трошки вайбу від музики 80-х з його touch of synthesizers.  :super:  :super:  :super:

 :hot:  :hot:  :hot: І він дуже надихаючий і просто заряджає неземною енергією! :hot:  :hot:  :hot:

In the depths of the night a star ignites,
A burst of brilliance, a celestial delight,
A cosmic ballet in the velvet skies,
Where stardust dances, and galaxies arise.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

Across the cosmos, your echoes resound,
A supernova's tale, in silence profound,
Nebulae whisper of your profound might,
In the vast expanse, in endless night.

From the ashes, new worlds awake,
Where possibilities bend and break,
In the remnants of your fiery wake,
A tapestry of stars, a cosmic ache.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the twilight of eternity, a star begins to fade,
Its brilliance dims, a cosmic serenade,
Gravity's embrace, it can no longer evade,
A supernova blooms, in colors arrayed.

Oh, the grand finale, a celestial ballet,
Explosive energy, in a cosmic display,
In the heart of the galaxy, where dreams sway,
A supernova's glory lights the way.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.

In the silence of space, your story's told,
Of how stars collapse and unfold,
A dance of creation, fearless and bold,
In the universe's embrace, eternal hold.

In the core's collapse, atoms collide,
Elements forge, in the chaos inside,
Radiant waves, across the astral tide,
A supernova's fire, far and wide.

Oh, the supernova's blaze, a cosmic rhyme,
A symphony of light, frozen in time,
In the cosmos, where stars collide,
A dance of light, a cosmic tide.

Oh, star explosion, you paint the night,
With your fiery passion, burning bright,
A cosmic crescendo, a blazing flight,
In the cosmic canvas, you ignite.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Липень 13, 2024, 08:01
:party: Мені цей трек дуже подобається - можливо, я зроблю з нього довшу версію. :party:

Музика дуже класна!

Дуже цікаво побачити, що цей трек набрав найбільшу кількість проглядів з усіх в цій серії  :smilie10:. Видно, якось так працюють алгоритми просування Ютуб. Хоч він і класний сам по собі. Продовжу його.

І кількість підписників нарешті перевищила 250. Ще три рази по стільки і можна монетизуватися!  :laugh:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


1&  :dance3:  1&  :dance3:  1&  :dance3:  1&

Нова бомбезність is upcoming - як завжди, в суботу вранці за українським часом! :hot:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Думаю, не потрібно пояснювати, якій темі присвячена серія :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: .

Life is highway - enjoy yours, like I've been certainly enjoying mine!
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Pack my bags,  time to go
Hit the road, just so you know
Rolling wheels,  endless sky
Chasing dreams, no goodbyes.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Radio loud, singing free
Every mile is a memory
Sunshine days, starry nights
Highway calls take flight.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Mountains tall, rivers wide
Every turn brings a new ride
Feel the wind, face is clear
Adventure calls without fear.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Miles and miles, the sky so blue
Every day something new
Wheels turning, can't slow down
Freedom waits in every town.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Dusty wind's a whisper
Tugging at my heart
Feel the engine rumblin'
Time to make a start.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Open skies are calling
Horizon stretching wide
Wheels keep turnin' on and on
Can't stay inside.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Neon lights are glowing
In towns I leave behind
Every mile a memory
Just another sign.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Morning sun's a-risin'
Endless journey's song
Feel the road beneath me
Right where I belong.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


1&  :super:  1&  :dance3:  1&  :super:  1&  :dance3:  1&  :super:  1&  :dance3:  :super:  1&

Pack my bags,  time to go
Hit the road, just so you know
Rolling wheels,  endless sky
Chasing dreams, no goodbyes.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Radio loud, singing free
Every mile is a memory
Sunshine days, starry nights
Highway calls take flight.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Mountains tall, rivers wide
Every turn brings a new ride
Feel the wind, face is clear
Adventure calls without fear.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Miles and miles, the sky so blue
Every day something new
Wheels turning, can't slow down
Freedom waits in every town.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Dusty wind's a whisper
Tugging at my heart
Feel the engine rumblin'
Time to make a start.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Open skies are calling
Horizon stretching wide
Wheels keep turnin' on and on
Can't stay inside.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Neon lights are glowing
In towns I leave behind
Every mile a memory
Just another sign.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.

Morning sun's a-risin'
Endless journey's song
Feel the road beneath me
Right where I belong.

Call of the road
Hear it loud and clear
Miles to go
Ain't no room for fear
Rolling free
That's how it goes
Heart belongs to the highway
I suppose.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Тема цієї серії надихнута висловом "Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others", що перекладається як "Сильні люди заступаються за себе, а ще сильніші - за інших".

Я отримала велику насолоду від роботи над цими треками, тому що вони реально надихають! "Пономарьови" і "тук-туки" звучать у вухах різних "шотів", а в наших серцях звучить музика свободи, сили і правди"! :super:

Слова одинакові у всіх треках:

In the corners of my mind, where the secrets hide,
I am the fire and the ice, with no one to confide.
Every shadow tells a story, every breath a clue,
In the labyrinth of life, I am pushing through.

In the mirror of my past, where the scars remain,
I am the strength in the struggle, the end of pain.
In the game of shadows, I am the light that shows,
Through the darkest battles, where the courage grows.

When the world's turned upside down, I stand tall
Through the wreckage and the roar, I'll never fall.
With every step I take, and every battle fought,
I rise above it all, I am the countershot.

In the midst of the storm, where the lightnings dance,
I am the spark in the dark, taking every chance.
With a heart that's unyielding, and a spirit so bright
I am the warrior of the night, bringing strength to the fight.

On the edge of the brink, where the echoes fade,
I am the fire in the cold, the light in the shade.
In the silence that screams, and the chaos that roars,
I am the strength in the struggle, I open doors.

When the world's turned upside down, I stand tall
Through the wreckage and the roar, I'll never fall.
With every step I take, and every battle fought,
I rise above it all, I am the countershot.

Through the haze of the past, where the memories blend,
I am the voice of tomorrow, on the paths I mend.
In the clash of the dreams and the rhythm of strife,
I am the heartbeat of courage, the essence of life.

As the dawn breaks the night, and the battles subside,
I am the echoes of valor, where the truth won't hide.
In the light of the morning, where the darkness retreats,
I am the song of the victory, the rhythm of beats.

When the world's turned upside down, I stand tall
Through the wreckage and the roar, I'll never fall.
With every step I take, and every battle fought,
I rise above it all, I am the countershot.

As the echoes fade away, and the night turns to day,
I'm the strength in the sunrise, paving a new way.
Every heartbeat a testament to the fights I've won,
I'm the warrior of the light, shining like the sun.

So here's to the battles, and the moments I've won,
To the strength and the courage that I've found and begun.
In the end, when the echoes of the battle are caught,
I'll remember the journey as the countershot.

When the world's turned upside down, I stand tall
Through the wreckage and the roar, I'll never fall.
With every step I take, and every battle fought,
I rise above it all, I am the countershot.

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Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.