Electric Rhythm In My Veins: Мої Музичні Експерименти

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


:heart:  :heart:  :heart: І нарешті, на мою думку, найкращий трек в цій серії. В мене нема слів - просто слухайте!  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Ооо! Вчора простим натисненням кнопки згенерувалося просто два шедеври!

Can't wait to share them with the world  1&.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Червень 19, 2024, 17:09Ооо! Вчора простим натисненням кнопки згенерувалося просто два шедеври!

Can't wait to share them with the world  1&.

Але спочатку - "закладка", яку я створила для плейлиста, де будуть всілякі романтичні пісні - а яка ж музика без таких?

ІМХО, вийшло досить непогано:

1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&  1&

Walking down Romantic Avenue,
Underneath the moonlit hue,
Streets alive with whispered tales,
Of lovers' dreams and fairy tales.

Neon lights in shades of red,
Leading us where hearts are led,
Every corner holds a chance,
For a timeless, tender dance.

Oh, on Romantic Avenue,
Where every step feels like a rendezvous,
In the glow of starry skies,
Love's embrace, it never dies.

Café lights and soft guitar,
Strains of melodies afar,
Hand in hand, we stroll along,
Lost in love's enchanting song.

Magic in the evening air,
Love's symphony is everywhere,
Whispers in the summer breeze,
Promises that time will freeze.

Oh, on Romantic Avenue,
Where every step feels like a rendezvous,
In the glow of starry skies,
Love's embrace, it never dies.

Through the seasons, through the years,
On this street, our hopes and fears,
Bound together, hearts entwined,
Forever in this place defined.

Oh, on Romantic Avenue,
Where every step feels like a rendezvous,
In the glow of starry skies,
Love's embrace, it never dies.

So let's dance beneath the moonlit arc,
On Romantic Avenue, where love sparks,
In this timeless, enchanting place,
Where our love finds eternal grace.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Сиджу я така в неділю увечері і натискаю кнопку "Create" з підказкою "італо", щоб створити черговий італодиско-шедевр. А Суно взяло і використало це слово у розумінні "італійський" і з яким результатом! :hot:

Вже майже тиждень танцюю під ці бомбезні треки, настільки кайфую, що ендорфіни просто через вуха - so much fun! Навіть не знаю, який з них кращий, але йдемо в цьому порядку! :hot:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Lonely nights, no sleep
Love cut way too deep
Dancing on my own
Where has our love flown?

Neon lights, they blind
Memories in rewind
Your touch, it faded fast
Now just shadows cast.

Oh heartache Italiano
Ti amo, ti amo
This love is burning hard
Left me with these scars!

Music in my head
Thousand words unsaid
Pain in every beat
Lost in crowded streets.

Why did you let go?
Tell me - I don't know
Your smile I can't erase
Gone without a trace.

Oh heartache Italiano
Ti amo, ti amo
This love is burning hard
Left me with these scars.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:party:  1&   :party:  1&   :party:  1&   :party:  1&   :party:

Lonely nights, no sleep
Love cut way too deep
Dancing on my own
Where has our love flown?

Neon lights, they blind
Memories in rewind
Your touch, it faded fast
Now just shadows cast.

Oh heartache Italiano
Ti amo, ti amo
This love is burning hard
Left me with these scars!

Music in my head
Thousand words unsaid
Pain in every beat
Lost in crowded streets.

Why did you let go?
Tell me - I don't know
Your smile I can't erase
Gone without a trace.

Oh heartache Italiano
Ti amo, ti amo
This love is burning hard
Left me with these scars.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Нагенерувалося  :laugh:.

Це інструментальний трек, слів нема:

Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Непогано! :smiley24:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Walking out the door
Don't turn around no more
Feel the weight lift away
Find myself today.

Silent streets so quiet now
Echoes fade, won't shout
Breathing free with every step
No regrets, no backward glance.

Leave me here alone
Find my way on my own
Time to grow, time to see
What life's got planned for me.

Sky so wide above my head
Thoughts unwind, no words unsaid
Freedom calls, its song so sweet
New adventures at my feet.

Windows open air so cool
Soul no longer feels like a fool
Day by day I'll build anew
All alone but feeling true.

Leave me here alone
Find my way on my own
Time to grow time to see
What life's got planned for me.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Червень 22, 2024, 08:33
:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Непогано! :smiley24:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Ось що Суно робить зі мною - в ранок суботи залипла на власному ютубі і навіть забула про форум :laugh:.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Червень 22, 2024, 08:33
:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Непогано! :smiley24:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

Walking out the door
Don't turn around no more
Feel the weight lift away
Find myself today.

Silent streets so quiet now
Echoes fade, won't shout
Breathing free with every step
No regrets, no backward glance.

Leave me here alone
Find my way on my own
Time to grow, time to see
What life's got planned for me.

Sky so wide above my head
Thoughts unwind, no words unsaid
Freedom calls, its song so sweet
New adventures at my feet.

Windows open air so cool
Soul no longer feels like a fool
Day by day I'll build anew
All alone but feeling true.

Leave me here alone
Find my way on my own
Time to grow time to see
What life's got planned for me.

Просто дах зриває від цього треку і від можливостей ШІ :smilie10:.

Те, що для генерації такої високоякісної композиції треба просто натиснути кнопку, це одне.

Але мелодія, звукове фразування і як звучить кожен інструмент - це out of this world. Баси, ударні, синтезатори - WOW!

І у нас такого на мейнстрім-радіо навіть близько не стояло.

Повний і абсолютний кайф - а ще як слухати на повністю включені колонки ...

 :heart:  :dance3:  :super:  :hot:  :party:  :love:

Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Нова серія треків, навіяних історією про матадора, що розкаявся і вирішив більше не вбивати тварин.

Хоч це і неправдива історія, сам її месидж - надихаючий і спонукає до роздумів.

Отже, поїхали :dance3:.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:party:  :party: Спочатку - танцювальний трек, повністю згенерований ШІ. :party:  :party:

In the ring so bright
Under Spanish night
Matador stands tall
But he fears the fall.

Crowd screams for the fight
In the chilly night
Heart so full of dread
Not a drop be shed.

No blood matador
Not anymore!
No blood matador
Leave it on the floor.

Red flag waves in air
Life isn't fair
Dance to rhythm's beat
But no defeat.

Courage in his eyes
Serenity in strides
Bull and man aligned
Peace of heart combined.

No blood matador
Not anymore!
No blood matador
Leave it on the floor.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


1&  :dance3:  1&  :dance3: Ще один повністю створений ШІ трек. :dance3:  1&  :dance3:  1&

In the ring so bright
Under Spanish night
Matador stands tall
But he fears the fall.

Crowd screams for the fight
In the chilly night
Heart so full of dread
Not a drop be shed.

No blood matador
Not anymore!
No blood matador
Leave it on the floor.

Red flag waves in air
Life isn't fair
Dance to rhythm's beat
But no defeat.

Courage in his eyes
Serenity in strides
Bull and man aligned
Peace of heart combined.

No blood matador
Not anymore!
No blood matador
Leave it on the floor.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


А цей трек я вважаю своїм crown achievement за два місяці своєї "творчості". Я створила текст з допомогою ChatGPT, але потім коригувала слова, підшуковувала нові рими і перетасовувала куплети.

По-перше, на мою думку, це дуже гарна пісня мелодично.

По-друге, щоб створити аудіо, я використала багато нових технічних навичок. Я буквально за декілька годин сьогодні опанувала певні функції програми Audacity і вручну модифікувала та з"єднала три окремі треки у суцільну мелодію. А коли я спробувала експортувати уже готовий трек у програмі Clipchamp, розмір аудіо виявився занадто великим. Тому довелось скачати ще дві програми і буквально "на колінці" розібратися з однією із них і нарешті згенерувати кліп для Ютуб.

І по-третє, пісня просто бомбезна за змістом. Вона - не про матадора.

Вона - про боротьбу із внутрішніми демонами.

Вона - про самоочищення.

Вона - про покаяння.

Вона - про рух до світла, до добра.

Особисто у мене мурашки по шкірі, коли я її слухаю.

Вона дійсно надихає і підносить. Сподіваюсь, що всі, хто її прослухає, відчують те ж саме.

In the ring, under the blazing sun,
Stands a matador, his heart undone.
Once the master of the deadly game,
Now haunted by remorse and burning shame.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

Every scar upon his soul,
Tells a tale he can't control.
In the crowd, they cheer and shout,
But inside, he's filled with doubt.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

Once the thrill, the rush was all he knew,
The glory, the honor in the red and blue.
But the eyes of the bull, so deep and wise,
Now haunt his dreams, where courage dies.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

In the silence before death wins,
He searches his soul for where it all begins.
A life bound by tradition's rigid chain,
Or a chance to break free from this endless pain.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

To the crowd, he's a hero, a brave matador,
But inside, he's broken, can't fight anymore.
In the arena's roar, he hears a distant call,
To break free from the chains, and let his heart be whole.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

In the stillness of the night, he hears a call,
A whisper of peace beyond the arena's wall.
To lay down the cape, to walk away,
To find redemption in a new day.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.

So he lays down the cape, and walks away,
Leaving behind the cheers, the glory's decay.
In the silence of the crowd, he finds release,
As the matador who craved for peace.

I don't want to wield the blade
For this vanity parade
I don't want to spill more blood,
In this dance of death and pride.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Зараз ріст проглядів та підписок не такий високий (видно, алгоритми просування змінилися), але новий milestone! :hot: Це при тому, що Ютуб трохи скоректував кількість проглядів вниз через дублікати.

Але, найголовніше, це процес і сама музика! Я майже перестала слухати інші канали, слухаю тільки своє :love:.

І в мене ще дофіга фантастичних треків, які я ще не обробила  :dance3:.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

:party:  Ну ви можете здогадатися, чим я зараз займаюсь :party:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Червень 27, 2024, 07:09
:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

:party:  Ну ви можете здогадатися, чим я зараз займаюсь :party:

:dance3:  :hot:  :dance3:  :hot: This is FIRE!! :hot:  :dance3:  :hot:  :dance3:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Сьогодні я майже не мала часу нічого писати на форумі, тому що ... тому ЩО ... ТОМУ ЩО ... працювала над новою серією треків.

На цей раз тема - "Bye, bye, bye!"

Ну, поїхали! :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Said goodbye to the old me, packed my bags and hit the road,
Left behind the chains that held me, now I'm free to unfold.
No more looking in the rearview, 'cause ahead is where I'll go,
Every step I take is new, leaving shadows in the undertow.

Bye, bye, bye to the doubts that weighed me down,
Shedding layers of the past, where I once used to drown.
No more waiting for a sign, I'm moving at my pace,
Gonna make my mark, leave a trace.

Bye, bye, bye, to the limits I once knew,
Like a phoenix in the sky, spreading wings brand new.
I'm breaking through the barriers, reaching for the sky,
Saying goodbye to the old me, waving it all goodbye.

Cut the ties that bound me, broke through walls I built so high,
Found the strength inside me, to spread my wings and fly.
No more second-guessing, taking chances as they come,
Embracing all the lessons, under the brighter sun.

Bye, bye, bye to the fears that held me back,
Facing forward, not looking back on the beaten track.
No more playing small, it's time to shine bright,
Gonna seize the day, with all my might.

Bye, bye, bye, to the shadows of the past,
Like a river flowing wide, I'm sailing free at last.
I'm writing my own story, with every step I take,
Saying goodbye to the old me, for a brand-new wake.

In the silence of the morning, I feel the winds of change,
Whispering of new beginnings, far beyond the range.
No more doubts or hesitations, this path is mine to tread,
Leaving behind the old, embracing the unknown ahead.

Bye, bye, bye, to the echoes in my mind,
Like a canvas stretched wide, painting colors undefined.
I'm breaking through the boundaries, forging my own way,
Saying goodbye to the old me, in this brighter day.

So bye, bye, bye to the comfort zones I knew,
Hello to the adventure, with every breakthrough.
I'll treasure where I've been, but I'm moving ever higher,
Saying goodbye to the old me, fueling my inner fire!
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цей трек нагадує щось типу Avicii і є нотки кантрі.

Said goodbye to the old me, packed my bags and hit the road,
Left behind the chains that held me, now I'm free to unfold.
No more looking in the rearview, 'cause ahead is where I'll go,
Every step I take is new, leaving shadows in the undertow.

Bye, bye, bye to the doubts that weighed me down,
Shedding layers of the past, where I once used to drown.
No more waiting for a sign, I'm moving at my pace,
Gonna make my mark, leave a trace.

Bye, bye, bye, to the limits I once knew,
Like a phoenix in the sky, spreading wings brand new.
I'm breaking through the barriers, reaching for the sky,
Saying goodbye to the old me, waving it all goodbye.

Cut the ties that bound me, broke through walls I built so high,
Found the strength inside me, to spread my wings and fly.
No more second-guessing, taking chances as they come,
Embracing all the lessons, under the brighter sun.

Bye, bye, bye to the fears that held me back,
Facing forward, not looking back on the beaten track.
No more playing small, it's time to shine bright,
Gonna seize the day, with all my might.

Bye, bye, bye, to the shadows of the past,
Like a river flowing wide, I'm sailing free at last.
I'm writing my own story, with every step I take,
Saying goodbye to the old me, for a brand-new wake.

In the silence of the morning, I feel the winds of change,
Whispering of new beginnings, far beyond the range.
No more doubts or hesitations, this path is mine to tread,
Leaving behind the old, embracing the unknown ahead.

Bye, bye, bye, to the echoes in my mind,
Like a canvas stretched wide, painting colors undefined.
I'm breaking through the boundaries, forging my own way,
Saying goodbye to the old me, in this brighter day.

So bye, bye, bye to the comfort zones I knew,
Hello to the adventure, with every breakthrough.
I'll treasure where I've been, but I'm moving ever higher,
Saying goodbye to the old me, fueling my inner fire.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.