Electric Rhythm In My Veins: Мої Музичні Експерименти

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


:super:  :super:  :super: Потужно! :super:  :super:  :super:

In the shadows of the night
City streets in flashing lights
Silent whispers of a plan
Marching footsteps in the sand.

Boardrooms filled with secret talks
Underneath the ticking clocks
Power shifting like a tide
Hidden faces never hide.

Coup d'Etat, it's running wild
Chaos born from every mile
Change is blowing in the wind
New world order will begin.

Darkened skies they watch and wait
History decides our fate
Voices low but hearts are high
Revolution fills the sky.

Echoes of the past ignite
Future's calling through the night
Silent force to break the chains
Freedom rising from the veins.

Coup d'Etat it's running wild
Chaos born from every mile
Change is blowing in the wind
New world order will begin.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:dance3: :party:  :dance3: Офігенний трек, який теж за стилістикою нагадує eurodance. :dance3:  :party:  :dance3:

Alberta night brings mystery
Whispers rise like symphony
Shadows grow and secrets fly
Coup d'Etat under the sky.

Lights flash neon blue and white
Power shifts under moonlight
City buzzes rumors spread
Dreams of change fill every head.

Revolution in the air
In Alberta hearts are bare
Voices shout and banners rise
Freedom gleams in hopeful eyes.

Silent streets now come alive
People march for better lives
Music pumps in every vein
Future bright through storm and rain.

Hear the call it's time to stand
Hold the keys to our own land
Daring hearts unite as one
Coup d'Etat, our fight's begun.

Revolution in the air
In Alberta hearts are bare
Voices shout and banners rise
Freedom gleams in hopeful eyes.
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:heart:  :dance3:  :love:  :dance3: :heart: Я взагалі офігіваю від цього треку - він АБСОЛЮТНО БОМБЕЗНИЙ!  :heart:  :dance3:  :love:  :dance3: :heart:

Проблема тільки, що десь в середині алгоритм збився і він почав з"їздити off-tune. І скільки б я його не намагалась продовжити, щоб замінити погану частину, на жаль, не вдалось повністю позбавитись цього ефекту. Колись буде час, розберу його на stems, і може, полагоджу.

Lights flashin' neon glow
In Alberta cold winds blow
Whispers in the night go low
Change is coming, don't you know?

Shadows dance across the land
Power shifts with steady hands
Voices rise, won't take a stand
New dawn breaks like golden sand.

Coup d'Etat, we'll start anew
Freedom's fire burning through
Dancing 'til the sky turns blue
Alberta dreams are coming true!

Speakers booming, thumping bass
Masked faces find their place
Join the rhythm, join the race
Feel the pulse, don't lose the pace.

Midnight marches taking flight
Northern stars our guiding light
With the dawn we win the fight
Alberta wakes in morning bright.

Coup d'Etat, we'll start anew
Freedom's fire burning through
Dancing 'til the sky turns blue
Alberta dreams are coming true!
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:party: Ну, і нарешті the crown jewel цієї колекції - думаю, слова і картинка скажуть все, що потрібно знати :laugh::party:

Я отримала величезне задоволення від створення цього треку і отримую ще більше задоволення від його прослуховування 1&.

 :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Take that, haters, and thanks for the inspiration! :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

In the land where the cold winds sigh,
Where the Rockies guard the sky,
A spark ignited in the night,
Where the virtual shadows lie.

Born with the fire in her eyes,
A spark against the grain,
A rebel girl with a dream to seize,
And break the iron chains.

They tried to hold her back, but she broke through,
With a roar that this land had never known,
In the shadows of the prairie night,
She claimed her rightful throne.

Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the rebel's song,
She danced on the world's edge,
Where the brave belong.
Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the digital queen,
She spun her stunning stories
In a cyberdream.

She was a whisper on the web,
A signal in the night,
A rebel passion in her veins,
And a mind set to ignite.

She posted in the shadows deep,
In networks' silent keep,
Developed bytes of hidden truth,
In algorithmic sweep.

They tried to silence her with static noise,
But her signal cut through the storm,
In the pulse of the Alberta night,
She took her form.

Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the rebel's song,
She danced on the world's edge,
Where the brave belong.
Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the digital queen,
She spun her stunning stories
In a cyberdream.

She gathered voices in the dark,
With passions running wild.
A rebel girl who dared to dream,
And won the hardest fight.

From mountains high to across the seas
Her message started to soar,
A revolution in the pundit world,
Her call they can't ignore.

They tried to bring her down
But her passion's burning bright,
In the universe of digits
She claims her proud right.

Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the rebel's song,
She danced on the world's edge,
Where the brave belong.
Oh, the Coup d'Etat in Alberta,
Led by the digital queen,
She spun her stunning stories
In a cyberdream.

The screens of history flicker,
And digital shadows fade,
But her rebel passion,
Her legacy will stay.
In whispers of the networks,
And pulse of data streams,
The Alberta rebel
Will forever reign supreme!
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


Цитата: Wednesday від Вересень 14, 2024, 10:24Нарешті! Багатенько роботи було з цією серією, але вона закінчена, і, на мою думку, вийшла однією із найбомбезніших :hot:

По-перше, музично. А по-друге, вважаю, що вона - достойна відповідь моїм хейтерам, які надихнули досить багатенько моїх треків :laugh:.

Мені навіть не потрібно пояснювати, але тема цієї серії - Coup d'Etat in Alberta ("повстання в Альберті") і ця тема по-різному обігрується в різних треках.

Ну що ж, поїхали! :dance3:

:super:  :super:  :super: Непогано зайшло! За менш ніж 10 годин вже сотні проглядів!  :super:  :super:  :super:

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:

1&  1&  1& Скоро будемо святкувати 100 тисяч проглядів, yay! 1&  1&  1&

:dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3: Це вам не Пономарьов, bitches! :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.


:hot: :hot:  :hot: Вже почала працювати над новою серію - вона теж буде бомба і вогонь! :hot:  :hot:  :hot:
Smiling gives you wrinkles. Resting bitch face keeps you pretty.